Round two of my fav things.
 I thought I would do a link up! For Momma's to get the inside scoop on what other momma's are using. Not a Momma? We are still women what is getting you by this month? A must have lotion ect. Let us know! I think this will be lots of fun! So, LINK IT UP & let me know what your essentials are this month! Hopefully this goes well & continue to do it the first of every  month!

Bright Stars Rattle. 
Kennedy l-o-v-e-s this. Now that she is teething she chews on it..well she did before she was. & yay for fine motor skills! She just shakes the crap out of it.

    back in december.

Bright Stars Activity Mat
Can you tell we like Bright Stars? haha Kennedy also loves this. She got it for christmas & was totally sure about. But, now she loves it. She likes it most when you put her on her boppy so she was proped up and you string the rings draped in front of her so she can shake them. & she loves the birdy that sings int he middle, we also use it for tummy time!

Sassy Sleep Positioner
People use this more when their baby are brand new. But now Kennedy is starting to roll over, & I am terrified some how she is going to suffocate herself. So, I put this in her bassinet with her. But you can also use it under the mattress/pad for when he reflux is acting up, so it's a all-around good thing to have in my opinion.

Ok, so she has only had one diaper rash, & it was the second week she was born. So I never had to use it for that reason. & you all may think I am crazy, but, Kennedy gets this red rash on her one cheek. Not both cheeks just the left side. I am going to ask about it her next appt. {Feb2} I  don't think it to alarming to go in right away.   Anyway, I put some Desitin on it & ta-da all gone with in like 10 mins!

Fisher Price Light Up Piano
This is great for in the evening, our living room isn't very bright , during tummy time or just playing on the ground. The music she loves & loves the lights even better!