Welcome ICLW'ers!
It's hard to believe the last time I did ICLW, was when I had JUST found out I was pregnant & TERRIFIED of another loss!
& here I am with a 8 week old daughter!
If your new here I will do a little catch up, I am proud to say that after three pregnancies, Kennedy {commonly referred to on here as bug,buggy} our true miracle is finally here. It was a long tough road to get her here, but holding her in our arms makes all that pain & heart-ache so worth it, the giggles & smiles help too ;) So if you did the math there. I have had two miscarriages (5/09 & 10/09).
Now, I am dealing with the fact the chance of another child maybe impossible. While, I am so grateful for my miracle & as much as everyone says "you had one miracle, it can happen again" I am having a hard-time dealing with that reality & hard decision to try again, knowing it may result in miscarriage.
So this blog is ramblings of me still grieving my angel babies,my miracle baby & all the new wonderful happenings of motherhood, my awesome marriage to my almost perfect husband {brandon} & all sorts of goodies in-between!
So, pull up a chair, & stay awhile. The tabs above can also catch you up on all the happenings! :)
& yes I posted this the night before, but I have full intentions in sleeping in tomorrow since that has been what we have done all week. Even though it harder for me to sleep in then bug, she sucha lazy butt!
while your here, go ahead & vote if you like what you read! thank you! :)

It's hard to believe the last time I did ICLW, was when I had JUST found out I was pregnant & TERRIFIED of another loss!
& here I am with a 8 week old daughter!
If your new here I will do a little catch up, I am proud to say that after three pregnancies, Kennedy {commonly referred to on here as bug,buggy} our true miracle is finally here. It was a long tough road to get her here, but holding her in our arms makes all that pain & heart-ache so worth it, the giggles & smiles help too ;) So if you did the math there. I have had two miscarriages (5/09 & 10/09).
Now, I am dealing with the fact the chance of another child maybe impossible. While, I am so grateful for my miracle & as much as everyone says "you had one miracle, it can happen again" I am having a hard-time dealing with that reality & hard decision to try again, knowing it may result in miscarriage.
So this blog is ramblings of me still grieving my angel babies,my miracle baby & all the new wonderful happenings of motherhood, my awesome marriage to my almost perfect husband {brandon} & all sorts of goodies in-between!
So, pull up a chair, & stay awhile. The tabs above can also catch you up on all the happenings! :)
& yes I posted this the night before, but I have full intentions in sleeping in tomorrow since that has been what we have done all week. Even though it harder for me to sleep in then bug, she sucha lazy butt!
while your here, go ahead & vote if you like what you read! thank you! :)
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