I am so behind on posting all of these, but I wanted to make sure I have it on here to look back on!
This one we really weren't able to do til now!
I finally got a new bike, & we got the trailer!
We had the baby seat, but never hooked it up!
Now, we go on rides daily!
It great exercise for Brandon & I, & really the girls wouldn't let us go without going on one! Whenever we walk thru garage, they jump in the trailer & are ready to go!

The girls got to pick out their own helmets!

Our first ride together!

This is before we learned to adjust kensleys helmet properly haha she wouldnt move her head at all. it was kind of hilarious!

I highly reccomend this InStep Trailer! Its super nice, had a screen & plastic cover & even cup holders!

Now thats better!