Kennedy's 13th Dolly Patron Birthday Party | Preppy Birthday Ideas | Surprise 13th Birthday Party | Limo + Hotel Birthday Party

I have a teenager. That is the craziest thing to write or say out loud. That also means, I have had this blog now over 13 years, which is even crazier. Since we did a new room makeover for her birthday {see that reveal HERE} there was no real plan for a party etc for her birthday. But, then as time got closer my mom and I both felt like we needed to celebrate her birthday in a big way. You only get to turn 13 once. However, because of Nutcracker season, it left us with no real time to celebrate, which happens every year. With my mom, we set up a surprise birthday party for her with her ballet friends after their first dress rehearsal.

First, they would be picked up from dress rehearsal in a limo, do a little drive around to have fun in the limo then be dropped off at a hotel for a sleepover. I was able to pull it off, somehow & she was so surprised! All the stress was worth it!

I picked a preppy / Dolly Parton theme & it was a hit! I will link all the party supplies that I can at the end of the blog post!